At first glance

After installation and startup, you'll see start screen of application

The startup screen displays a list of projects, as well as opportunities to create a new project or open an existing one. At the top left is the application menu, and below it is a sidebar that opens access to different program modules. In the sidebar, only "Start" and "Settings" tabs are available. The other tabs will become active after creating a new one or opening an existing project.

To get started, you need to create your first project. To do this, click the button "Create Project" and enter its name in the appeared dialog.

After the project has been created, all other tabs will become active in the left pane and the "Research" tab will be opened automatically.

If you return to the "Start" tab, you will see that the newly created project appears to the list of projects. In the future, you can open projects directly from this page, after the program starts.


This section of the program is designed so that you can collect all the necessary materials for the project in one place. In it, you can save basic information about the script, such as its name, logline, synopsis, and also fill in the title page of the script.

Here you can manage lists of characters and locations. Create new ones, add descriptions, photos, rename and organize them.

Also, in research tab you can store a variety of materials (text documents, images, links to web pages and mindmaps) associated with your project, organizing them in a convenient manner.


The next tab allows you to see the script in the form of cards placed on the corkboard, thus providing a visual way to work with structure.

You can add colors and stamp to cards, move, and group them, and all changes made with cards are displayed in the text of the script.


In the "Script" tab, the actual text of the script is located.

On the left side of the screen is the navigator according to the scenario. It is a list of scenes. Clicking the mouse on the scene from the list will display the text of the selected scene on the screen.

And on the right side of the screen is the text editor of the script. The editor has many auxiliary functions that simplify text input in accordance with the standard of scriptwriting and also allows you to search the text of the script and leave notes to the text.


The statistics tab allows you to get detailed production reports on the script, as well as look at the graphs of the characters' activity throughout the script and the dynamics of the scenes.


The last tab, you find access to all the settings of the application. Here you can choose the theme of the application (dark, light), set the spelling checker, select the number of lines of text to display in the script navigator, and configure many other parameters.


In the menu, you will find such important app features as importing script text from an existing file (FDX, DOCX, FOUNTAIN and TRELBY formats are supported).

Also, the app has the feature of exporting the text of the script in the required format, for sending to the film company (PDF, FDX, DOCX and FOUNTAIN formats are supported).

Published: 27 September 2017


Paul Booker 14.04.2018 at 14:01 # Reply
Ideas for another guide?
I've had Scenarist for one day and its great! Thank you very much. I hope the following may be useful.

Scenarist: Quick Start

KIT Scenarist is for script-writing. As well as scripts, it features cards for an alternative overview or text-style storyboarding, mindmaps for ideas, organizing research notes and images.

NOTE: Even if you only want the cards feature, it is easier to start setting them up in Script mode. Script mode will create cards for you.

Working in script mode with 'Outline' highlighted, a line of text in the script can be formatted four ways, indicated by using the dropdown menu. On completing a line, the menu will guess what prompt to offer for the next line.
A line of script is formatted as
a/ a folder, prompting a scene heading
b/ a scene heading, prompting a scene description
c/ a scene description or
d/ scene characters

and thus set out a basic structure where a folder represents an 'act', or set of scenes, which are numbered. Thus each scene has a heading and description. Inserting a new scene will re-number the scenes and update cards.

Deselecting 'Outline' does two things: it hides scene description; and adds functionality to the dropdown menu.
b/ scene heading now prompts action
e/ shot, prompts action
f/ character, prompts dialogue
g/ title
h/ dialogue
i/ parenthetical, prompts dialogue
j/ transition, prompts scene heading
k/ non printable text
l/ action.
The scene description can now be made visible using 'Show/hide scene notes'.

The transition line is right-justified.

Text colour can be changed in Review mode, which keeps a record of changes.
dimkanovikov 16.04.2018 at 11:13 # Reply
Hello, Paul. Thanks a lot! I work on another more detailed tutorial for each module but hasn't a lot of time to it... Hope it will be ready in one day :) But, if you want, you can help us to make it and we'll place it on the site.
Ertem Aktay 29.07.2018 at 01:21 # Reply
I have been looking around for decent screenwriter software that alternative to trelby,celtix and finaldraft. I think i found great software!!! Congrulations for great software.
I want to ask something. Is it possible to edit script drafts that software offers(finaldraft a4,russian screenplay etc)?
I want to write in french style script(left action, right dialogues).
Kindes Regards from Turkey
dimkanovikov 30.07.2018 at 08:41 # Reply
Hello Ertem,

Thanks for your feedback!

1. You can not edit default templates, but you can add a new one based on one of the standard. Go to the Settings - Templates Library - and press plus for adding a new template.
2. Two columns mode currently is in development. We plan to release it in the next beta.
John Nelson 28.08.2018 at 08:01 # Reply
Issue with printing
I LOVE this software, but I'm struggling to find how I can actually print the script. When I hit "Print preview" or even just Print, I only get the title page with character and locations and such. But not the actual script. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong. I'm using the Beta version, so I hope it's not a bug. However...this is an amazing piece of software. Just blown away by how many features this has for the price
dimkanovikov 28.08.2018 at 14:32 # Reply
Hello John,

Thanks a lot for your message! Yes, this is known issue in the app... Currently, print preview tries to show you exported research documents. To change this behavior you need go to the Menu - Export - in the export dialog you need to choose tab named "Script" and press "Print preview" directly in the dialog. After this action you will can to make print preview from menu and script will be shown in print preview window.
Ronald Eneris 02.09.2018 at 20:24 # Reply
I found this app looking for an alternative to Final Draft (which I can't afford) I have been using Trelby, however starting today I'm switching to KitScenarist because it's so much more powerful. I bought the iOS App as well which is very affordable by the way. I live in a poor country so I don't think I can afford monthly subscriptions however I will be donating to the project because the functionalities that this app has are just awesome and you guys have made it available for free. The only feature I could request is for the app to have an Open/import option instead of having to share from another app. (Let's say open from Dropbox or Drive o local files) Thank you for making this program available to everyone.
dimkanovikov 03.09.2018 at 07:33 # Reply
Hello Ronald,

Glad to know that the app can be useful to you! What about your suggestion - many users suggest a similar option, so, we will think about how we can add it in the app and will try to improve this ability.
FDot 19.10.2018 at 05:31 # Reply
Spell check
I'm so sorry if it's written somewhere and I'm just blind. How do you spell check in this application?
dimkanovikov 19.10.2018 at 08:55 # Reply
Hello, FDot. You can turn on spell checking here - Settings - Script Editor - Editing - Spell Checking.
FDot 26.10.2018 at 01:08 # Reply
Spell check
Hi there,
I understand how to turn on the spell checking, but is the only way to change what it finds it by right clicking on all the underlined mistakes? There is no way just to go through the whole document and ignore or correct the highlighted words? Basically something like the find and replace feature. I want to be able to go from one underlined mistake to the other without having to scroll through the entire script.
dimkanovikov 28.10.2018 at 14:01 # Reply
Ah, now I see what you mean. No, currently, you can't do it. But we plan to add a similar feature in one of the next updates.
Mehmet 04.11.2018 at 15:09 # Reply
tek sahne görünümü.
Tüm senaryonun haricinde, tek bir sahneyi gösterecek bir düzenleme iyi olacaktır.
dimkanovikov 06.11.2018 at 18:44 # Reply
Hello, Mehmet. Not sure that I correctly understand what you mean... Can you provide a bit more detailed description of your suggestion?
Virgile Sahan 10.02.2019 at 18:47 # Reply
Persian ( farsi) language
What are the features supported in this language?
dimkanovikov 12.02.2019 at 14:19 # Reply
Hello, Virgile. All application features are supported for the Persian language.
Kostas 11.02.2019 at 20:42 # Reply
Export Problem
Hi there,
I'm having a problem with exporting my script to pdf. It appears to be almost blank (the first page with the title and my name is correct, and also the headline of the first scene, but the action, dialoge, etc of the scene does not appear at all). I'm writting in greek but I also tested it with english and the same thing happens, so it's probably not a language issue. I will be glad to find some help. Thanks!
dimkanovikov 12.02.2019 at 14:21 # Reply
Hello, Kostas. Looks like you try to export "Outline" instead of the "Script". Please recheck what export type you use in the export dialog title tab bar.
Daniel 02.03.2019 at 05:59 # Reply
Problems with printing script
Hi there.
Before complaining, I would like to say that this is a great app. Really. Very useful, direct, easy to use. So many thanks!

My issue: When I export (or print) the script, it shows only the title page and the head of the scenes, but no action, no dialogue, no parenthesis, nothing else. What am I doing wrong?

dimkanovikov 04.03.2019 at 17:09 # Reply
Hello, Daniel. Looks like you try to export outline, please check out what tab selected in the export settings dialog (Menu - Export). There are three items "Export Research/Export Outline/Export Script" as I understand you need to select the "Export Script" tab and do export again.
Naomi 11.09.2019 at 05:40 # Reply
Hi there, I'm having the same problem, and the Export Script tab is ticked. I've had this a couple of times. My last script saved fine, but my current one won't even after closing, restarting etc. Any clues?
Carlo Lechea 13.03.2019 at 16:49 # Reply
No speaking character

I'd like to know how add a no speaking character.

Thank you
dimkanovikov 15.03.2019 at 10:49 # Reply
Hello Carlo,

Currently, there are two ways to do it:
1. In the action of the scene, you need to write the name of the character, for example for character RICK you can write something similar to "Rick enters the room."
2. The application has a special block named "Scene Characters" where you can add all characters of the scene. This blocks usually used for TV-series, but maybe it will make sense for your case too.
Mishal 16.03.2019 at 12:56 # Reply
Hello, I agree with other contributors, this is an excellent application. Thank you. One question/ request, please. Is it possible to view the script in a larger font? Or, increase the view to something like 120% etc. I have poor vision and the script view (font) on screen is just slightly to small for me to work with comfortably. Thank you.
dimkanovikov 18.03.2019 at 06:05 # Reply
Hello Mishal,

You can scale script (and other editors) by using a standard method for your operating system:
- Windows/Linux - Ctrl and mouse wheel, or Ctrl and +/-
- Mac OS X - pinch gesture on the trackpad, or Command and +/-
Alister 16.03.2019 at 13:29 # Reply
Exporting based on template
Hi there, how do I export so that I get the same result as the template I am working in. It seems to pick up the default template - centre justified, Courier Prime etc.
dimkanovikov 18.03.2019 at 06:07 # Reply
Hello Alister,

You need to turn on advanced export settings checkbox and set up the template you want to export in.
rodrigo 19.03.2019 at 02:22 # Reply
hi, it's a very good software, i've been use it for a wile and it's exactly what i was looking for, but i have a little problem. when i use the full screen i can't see the two panels completly, i close the program and when i open it again it looks like it's fixed, but if i open another window (like the script) it happends again. i don't know if it is a problem with my computer or the program 'cause i have two laptops, one is a mac and the other is a pc, and this problem it's only with the mac. i hope you guys understand what i'm saying 'cause my english it is not the best and i don't know if you have support in spanish. i hope you can help me with this problem because the program it's exactly what i was looking for and that's the only problem that it has. P.D. i suggest to add a window to make a shot list and if is possible some way to work with another pearson, with those things i can say that i don't need anyother program to work.
dimkanovikov 20.03.2019 at 06:12 # Reply
Hello Rodrigo. Please send us screenshots with the problem to the email and we help you to resolve it.
edde 11.04.2019 at 20:06 # Reply
hello, thank you very much for providing us with this software. it's really excellent and user friendly. you did a great job guys.. of course there are a few things to improve as for example the use of keyboard shortcuts for formatting .
dimkanovikov 14.04.2019 at 13:31 # Reply
Hello, Edde. You can configure shortcuts in the "Settings - Script Editor - Shortcuts".
Mary 15.04.2019 at 20:04 # Reply
Mind Map
Hello! I've been using your software for quite a time now and I love all the possibilities it offers! Plus, you have a research pannel, which is great!
There's only a few things with the Mind Map that have been bugging me, though.
-Is there a way to copy/paste an entire Mind Map? And copy/paste only a box of a Mind Map?
-Is there a way to augment the size of the png saved from a Mind Map? I have a HUGE Mind Map and would like to print it. But when I import the png in Photoshop or Word and I separate the image to enlarge it to be able to print it on many sheets, I lose a considerable amount of quality because the original image is too small.

The Mind Map is a powerful tool for visual writers like me, and I think that it could need a liiiiiittle bit more love! I love KIT Scenarist! Thank you for providing us such a great software!
dimkanovikov 16.04.2019 at 21:22 # Reply
Hello Mary,

Thanks a lot for your kind words and for your questions!
1. Currently, there is no way to copy or paste items in the mind map editor. But it will be a really good improvement for future updates! Thanks for pointing me on it.
2. It's very strange behavior. By default mind map should be saved in "natural" size which should be wellformed for viewing and printing. What operating system do you use? What size of the png image did you get after saving?
Mary 24.04.2019 at 19:49 # Reply
I just checked and the size of the png of the Mind Map is huge (8694 x 5842 pixels). But the moment I zoom in the image (in Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Word), I loose the quality of the words. It's all pixelised. So even if the image is big, the quality doesn't follow... Maybe it could change something if the user had the possibility to choose the format in which he saves the Mind Map (jpeg, tga, tiff, etc). I don't know. Or a print option directly in the Mind Map tab.
Thank you for your help!
dimkanovikov 01.05.2019 at 17:10 # Reply
Yeah, there is an image-file restriction. Will try to research the ability to save mind map schemes to the vector images for future updates.
Isis 28.04.2019 at 17:34 # Reply
How to get out of full screen?
How to get out of full screen?
dimkanovikov 01.05.2019 at 17:13 # Reply
Hello Isis. You can press F5, or move the mouse cursor to the right side of the monitor and panel with close fullscreen mode button will be shown.
Michael 07.05.2019 at 02:26 # Reply
Line Break in Dialogue
Is there a shortcut to insert a line break in a dialogue? Shift+Enter starts a new paragraph with the character name.
I came looking for a writing toll with a dark mode and found this to be a great software. Thanks!
dimkanovikov 09.05.2019 at 16:14 # Reply
Hello, Michael. Currently, we don't have this ability (plan to add it in one of the future versions), but you can use a simple workaround - press Enter and then Ctrl+L to make new block formatted as dialogue.
Jano 01.06.2020 at 01:14 # Reply
This workaround, sadly, does not create a space between these paragraphs – maybe this is just a style option?

This software looks extremely good and powerful, but this is the only thing keeping me from using it. Long speaking passages are really hard to read this way, and this is a pity, as they will be read most frequently, as they need to be learned by the actors.
dimkanovikov 01.06.2020 at 06:33 # Reply
If you need a space, then you can add two paragraphs (one empty dialogue and next one with the next paragraph of the dialogue) :)
Subhrajyoti Modak 23.05.2019 at 22:25 # Reply
Dual Dialog and Text Formatting Options
Hi, I've been using KIT SCENARIST for a few weeks now and I am absolutely loving it. A software like this was much needed.

I wanted to know if you have the Dual Dialog feature, or any work around for it.

Also, please transfer the Text Formatting Options (bold, italics, underlined) from the the right click menu to somewhere in the top panel, from where it can be toggled on / off. And also add a 'General' sort of formatting option where text can be formatted (bold, italics, underlined, align, etc)
dimkanovikov 31.05.2019 at 09:15 # Reply
Hello Subhrajyoti Modak,

Thanks a lot for your feedback!
1. We plan to add a dual dialogue feature in one of the new versions.
2. You can use Bold/Italic/Underline via common shortcuts Ctrl+B/Ctrl+I/Ctrl+U (or with Command instead of Ctrl if you on Mac).
3. Thanks for suggestion with General formatting type - it's a great idea!
Ludiane de Brocéliande 29.05.2019 at 14:10 # Reply
Hello ! :)
I have already built 15 characters and now I would like to start writing my script.
This is a web series in 8 episodes.
I have to create a folder by episode?
Where to start ?
I do not always write the scenes in order.
Thank you very much for your advice.
dimkanovikov 31.05.2019 at 09:21 # Reply
Hello, Ludiane. Currently, KIT Scenarist has not an option for storing all episodes in one project file (but we plan to add it in one of the next versions), so you will need to create a single file for each episode. And what about where to start it depends on your writing flow. If you like to start from outline then look at the cards module, but if you need to directly to starting write script go to the script module and start to move your story to the screen! :)
Romney 30.05.2019 at 22:03 # Reply
Hi there,
Great program - thanks! - except the image of my script shrunk within the window - so the font is tiny - and I can't seem to expand the script pages again to get it back to normal. Help!
dimkanovikov 31.05.2019 at 09:24 # Reply
Hello, my friend! You can scale size of the script the next way:
1. Shortcuts Ctrl and +/- on WIndows and Linux computer, or Command and +/- on Mac.
2. By pressing Ctrl and use mouse wheel scrolling on Windows and Linux, or with a pinch gesture on Mac's trackpad.
Jacques Lagarrigue 10.06.2019 at 18:58 # Reply
Salut. Très, très bon logiciel, assez complet. Un peu difficile à prendre en mains, mais une fois que l'on sait comment régler les paramètres, ce logiciel devient indispensable. Un peu lent sur une machine tournant sous Windoxs 7 à 64 bits. Comme quelques uns, j'ai eu des problèmes pour trouver comment imprimer, mais j'ai trouvé l'astuce. Pour la "feuille de style" à partir du modèle Final Draft (avec lequel je travaillais avant) je m'en suis créée une à mon goût, en me basant sur le même script écrit avec LibreOffice5.6. En fait ce logiciel Kit Scenarist sait lire les fichier au format odt, mais il ne sait pas les exporter à ce format. Par contre rien à dire sur l'export au format standard pdf. Seul bémol. Impossible de changer la couleur des polices de caractères. J'ai pas encore trouvé. Ah! J'ai laissé tomber le style "courrier" standard, j'ai trouvé une police formidable "courrier", c'est LATO se déclinant en plusieurs versions. Désormais je n'utilise que cette police qui est beaucoup plus visible que celle de Screenplay. Surtout pour les auteurs ayant des problèmes de vue.
dimkanovikov 22.06.2019 at 20:18 # Reply
Hello, Jacques. Thanks a lot for your message! We plan to improve performance in future updates.
Vineeth Potluri 19.06.2019 at 06:55 # Reply
UI scaling in 4K laptop screens

Thanks for the awesome work. This app has everything I need from a modern screenwriting software. However, on my laptop which has a 4K screen, the UI is extremely tiny. I tried to fix it using the windows properties and overriding the high dpi scaling but that makes the whole text very blurry. Is there any way to increase the font size of the interface without making it blurry?

Thanks in advance
dimkanovikov 22.06.2019 at 20:15 # Reply
Hello, Veneeth. It's a known issue with Surface Pro devices and currently, I'm in searching the way how we can fix it.
Vineeth Potluri 22.06.2019 at 20:45 # Reply
I see. I'm using a Huawei Matebook X pro laptop which is very much like the surface pro with 3:2 aspect ratio. I hope this gets resolved soon. Great work you're doing! Thanks for that.
dimkanovikov 23.06.2019 at 11:50 # Reply
Thanks, my friend! I hope too.
Ben 21.06.2019 at 01:14 # Reply
Is it possible to turn off the page number on page 1? My understanding is that the first page should not be numbered. Thanks if anyone knows how to do this.
dimkanovikov 22.06.2019 at 20:12 # Reply
Hello, Ben. You see the first-page number just in writing mode, but when you will export your script, page numbering will be printed fine (without number on title and first script pages).
Queensly 24.06.2019 at 17:50 # Reply
I just recently found this software and I absolutely love it! I've gone through other types, but this one surpasses them for me. I'm mostly writing teleplays, so I was wondering if there was or will be a way to have to have center titles for "Teaser", "Act 1" etc. to break up the script. Also, are we able to start scenes on a new page? Thanks!
dimkanovikov 25.07.2019 at 08:24 # Reply
Hi, Queensly! Currently, the application hasn't abilities to break pages at the start of the scene, plan to add it in one of the next versions. What about centering some text - you can create a custom template and set alignment to the center for some kind of formatting which you'll use for titles like you mention.
Susruta Mukherjee 26.07.2019 at 22:11 # Reply
Hello There! Second day on Scenarist! Can't thank you enough for this.

I have some questions? Could those please be answered?

How do I export the file in Courier New font?
How do I change the dark mode to light?

Thank you again.
dimkanovikov 27.07.2019 at 16:07 # Reply
Hello Susruta,

1. For export in the Courier New font, you can use Standard Russia and CIS template, or create your own (Settings - Templates Library - Plus button to add a new one). In the export dialog you need to toggle Advanced options checkbox and choose a needed template.
2. You can do it in the Settings - Application - turn off the "Use dark theme" checkbox.
Morgan 29.07.2019 at 06:14 # Reply
Script Font
I want to start by saying I really like your product and have been enjoying it for multiple months now. There is one thing I hope can be addressed in an update though. Why is the font that is used in the "Script" drafting section, not the same font that the script is exported with? I'm unsure if this is an error on my part and I just need to click a few buttons or if it's something that needs to be addressed in a software patch? Thank you much!
dimkanovikov 02.08.2019 at 14:52 # Reply
Hello, Morgan. Thanks! There was an issue with older versions. You need to check that your template for writing (Settings - Script Editor - Editing - Template) similar to the template using for export (Menu - Export - Export Script - Advanced Options - Template). Please check it.
Daniel Wadsworth 07.08.2019 at 17:40 # Reply
Scene numbers
Great software! Anyway to turn scene numbers off when I PDF the script?
dimkanovikov 24.08.2019 at 16:22 # Reply
Hello, Daniel. You can turn them off next way - Menu - Export - Export script - Advanced properties - Print scene numbers.
alexandre 09.08.2019 at 17:56 # Reply
dual dialogue
hello, so far I really love this program. I just don't know how to open a dual dialogue between 2 characters. can someone help please?
dimkanovikov 24.08.2019 at 16:23 # Reply
Hello, Alexandre. Currently, KIT Scenarist does not support double dialogues feature, but we plan to add it in one of the future updates.
JOEL BERMAN 18.08.2019 at 22:36 # Reply
Research Documents
Hi, Thanks for your great software. I am using it on my Chrome Book under crostini and it works very well. My screenplay is loosely based on historical fact and I have a lot of PDF and web pages currenty in dropbox and evernote. I know I can add them via the URL mechanism, but is there a way to import documents and folders and files from a file system into the project so that they are stored in the cloud?
dimkanovikov 24.08.2019 at 16:47 # Reply
Hello, Joel. Currently no, but we plan to add some similar functionality in the next big update.
Ivan 20.08.2019 at 00:56 # Reply
Great software
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for the software, because it's just great! I have been using it for a couple of months now and it's a very intuitive interface and there are very nice options for customization. Just wonderful that there's people doing software like this!
dimkanovikov 24.08.2019 at 16:48 # Reply
Thank you, Ivan! :)
Gary Kevin Ware 23.08.2019 at 06:25 # Reply
I am having the same issue that I had with another program, and it is costing me a lot of time, paper and ink. What is showing on the print preview and what is in my actual script are not necessarily the same, and it is difficult if not impossible to correct.
dimkanovikov 24.08.2019 at 16:49 # Reply
Hello Gary,

Look like you have different templates for editing and printing. Please check it:
- for editing - Settings - Script Editor - Editing - Template
- for printing - Menu - Export - Export script - Advanced options - Template
Roee 26.08.2019 at 18:07 # Reply
How can I go back and work on a previous version?
How can I go back and work on a previous version?
Please Help.
Thank you.
dimkanovikov 25.09.2019 at 14:17 # Reply
Hello, Roee. You can downgrade application next way:
- go to the downloads page
- under the link to download the latest version, you'll find the additional link to see all versions
- here you can choose the version you want and download it
CHAOUKI Hamid 30.08.2019 at 04:23 # Reply
Je me présente : CHAOUKI Hamid du Maroc
Votre Logiciel Kit Scenarist C'est génial ; Je viens d'écrire un scénario en arabe .... c'est formidable .
Il beaucoup d’atouts et un grand avenir .....
J'aime bien participer à la traduction en arabe pour l'interface de ce logiciel .....
Il manque un dictionnaire Arabe ...
Bon courage .....

Regarder mes tutoriels en arabe sur ce logiciel sur ma chaîne Youtube :
1/4 -
2/4 -
3/4 -
4/4 - c'est pour plu-tard ..... ça sera mon scénario en arabe ....
Merci beaucoup .....

Translate for English:
I present myself: CHAOUKI Hamid from Morocco
Your Scenarist Kit Software This is great; I just wrote a script in Arabic .... it's great.
It has a lot of assets and a great future .....
I like to participate in the translation into Arabic for the interface of this software .....
It is missing an Arabic dictionary ...
Good luck .....

Watch my tutorials in Arabic on this software on my Youtube channel:
1/4 -
2/4 -
3/4 -
4/4 - it's for later ..... it will be my script in Arabic ....
Thank you so much .....
adrian roman 31.08.2019 at 16:04 # Reply
Hello and congratulations on your screenplay soft! It is great.
Do you plan to include the possibility of writing in the Romanian language with Romanian fonts? Missing just one ȚȚȚȚȚ. Can you please help?
Thanks and best wishes!
dimkanovikov 25.09.2019 at 14:22 # Reply
Hello, Adrian. Of course it possible. I can suggest you to use standard Russia and CIS template (it uses Courier New font, which I hope contains this character), or you can create your own template via "Settings - Templates library - Add new".
Andrew 03.09.2019 at 15:53 # Reply
Is there anyway to edit the title page? E.i. Change the font size, font and formatting? I noticed a title tab in the template editor but i'm guessing it doesn't correlate to the title page.
dimkanovikov 25.09.2019 at 14:29 # Reply
Hello, Andrew. No, currently we haven't the ability to customize title page. Plan to add it in the future updates.
Nuno Maçaira 10.09.2019 at 20:54 # Reply
Hello! I have just started using this software and it is amazing! Very pratical. I have one question, though. Is there a way to automatically highlight scene headings? Because if I do it using the regular "Highlight Text" tool, in the printed version, there is a thin grey line on bottom of the previous page.
dimkanovikov 25.09.2019 at 14:31 # Reply
Hello Nuno,

> if I do it using the regular "Highlight Text" tool, in the printed version, there is a thin grey line on bottom of the previous page

Can you share a screenshot of this problem with us to
Eyal Gordin 17.09.2019 at 00:57 # Reply
Great software! Thanks. Im writing an Hebrew script. When exporting to docx, I've tried all options, opening in Word, the right justified is off, periods are at the beginning of sentance not end etc. Exporting to PDF is closer although, all the font characteristics are gone. Any solutions?
dimkanovikov 25.09.2019 at 14:32 # Reply
Hello, Eyal. I suggest you check the export template. You can do it in the export dialog advanced settings section.
Flummoxed 27.09.2019 at 01:12 # Reply
Is there a script file size limitation ? Or a cache buffer limitation ? I've been working with a 3mb script, on a PC (i7-8750, processor. SSD. 16gb ram). It keep crashing on loadup. I have kept multiple copies (as backup), and strangely enough, they crash out too ! I can use other scripts, much smaller... Create new ones... but once I use that script... It'd crash. It somehow worked again after the first time it happened. But now it's not working again...

I've been trying to reinstall hoping I can clear what cache setting it has... and I notice that on reinstall, it remembers EVERYTHING STILL ! EVEN IF I USE A PORTABLE VERSION...
Could this be the problem ??

Oh... L-O-V-E this ! Once you get the bugs out... it'll be of great service to many writers.
dimkanovikov 05.10.2019 at 13:10 # Reply
Hello Flummoxed,

It's a very strange issue. The app hasn't any limitations on file size or other limitations. Please, write me to the and I'll help you to resolve this issue.
Diego 04.10.2019 at 03:55 # Reply
Two Panels mode
Hi. I am using KIT in Linux Mint Mate and I cannot activate the Two Panels mode. The option does not appear in the Application menu. Will it be a problem with the software or resolution of my monitor? Thanks!
dimkanovikov 05.10.2019 at 13:12 # Reply
Hello, Diego. This option does not work only if the screen size of your computer too small, because in this case, the two-panel mode doesn't make sense. What is the resolution of your monitor?
Larry J. Lorence 09.10.2019 at 03:43 # Reply
Does somebody know how to change the font size of the program? It's small and hard to read. I use a surface pro 12" screen. Thanks in advance.
dimkanovikov 13.10.2019 at 01:03 # Reply
Hello, Larry. Try to install our latest update KIT Scenarist 0.7.2 rc9e and turn on "Enable scaling for HIDPI screens" option in the Settings - Application - Common section.
Pascal Garnier 14.10.2019 at 17:13 # Reply
how to insert location from list into script?
I can't find the way to insert any of the locations that I created in the "Research" tab, into my script?
It's probably something simple, but I can't seem to find it. Is it a shortcut or a specific button?
Thanks in advance!
dimkanovikov 14.11.2019 at 22:45 # Reply
Hello, Pascal. You should use the Scene Heading block for it and fill it by this template: [INT. or EXT.] [LOCATION] - [TIME] when you will fill it the app will automatically show autocomplete for each section. For example, if you start a new Scene heading block and enter "I", the app suggests you enter "INT.", then you type space character and app suggest you a list of locations, when you start typing begin of the location name full list will be filtered by entered characters. And after you finish to enter a location and type " - " the app suggests you known types of the scene time, like DAY, NIGTH and other.
Avi Sandhu 21.10.2019 at 16:04 # Reply
Hello Dimka Novikov,
KIT scenarist is brilliant software that I instantly fell in love with! Thank you for taking the effort and offering it to the writer's community.

When possible, do guide me to any link that addresses the following concerns:
1] A dialog (for example) written in one line edge-to-edge, somehow falls into two lines when exported in DOCX format. It will be great if I can get to know some setting where I can export exactly as it appears on KIT scenarist.
2] Sometimes, during an undo (ctrl+Z) the text garbles and multiplies (sometimes). Though I always restore a backup. But if there is any link to fix undo levels at my end, that would be great.

Just in case my concerns don't seem relevant, pls feel free to ignore as my fondness for KIT Scenarist is unconditional, and will never change.

Thanks in advance Dimka, keep doing well, god bless!

Avi Sandhu
dimkanovikov 19.11.2019 at 15:52 # Reply
Hello Avi,

Thanks a lot for your kind words!

1. Hm, what template do you use for exporting (Menu - Export - Export Script - Advanced options - Template)?
2. Hm-hm... What version of the application do you use? Is this reproducable behaviour or appears just time to time?
gabriel 24.10.2019 at 07:09 # Reply
Hi, just a question i just download the software and im very impress, the only thing is when i want to save a new project a error message appear, showing that it couldn't save i need to ask permission to use that folder and use another folder i tried that but the error keeps showing thanks for your help
dimkanovikov 19.11.2019 at 15:53 # Reply
Hello, Gabriel. Please try the lastest version. This issue should be fixed now.
Luis 26.10.2019 at 18:20 # Reply
Multiple Script Versions
Hello there, this software is amazing. Congratulations and thank you for sharing it with the world. I have a tiny issue: Once I have my script, I want to make some changes, so I'll go to MENU / Begin New Version. Once I do this, I can modify it. I will do this several times because I have several feedback from the producers and director. Let's say that I have 8 versions of the same script under the same project file, and now I want to go back to Script Version number 5 (I normally save the new version as Version 1, 2, 3, etc.) I cannot seem to find a way to re-edit again my version 5 of the script. I can only go to TOOLS / Compare Script Versions between the ones I want but only to view, not actually modify it. The restore option only restores it but that mean that I'll lose my last version. And if I go to RESEARCH / SCRIPT / VERSIONS I can view the versions on the right and clic on the one I want but it doesn't have a script format. It looks like a text note, and can't seem to modify that one either. Is there a way to go back and edit my script version number 5? Maybe I'm missing something. Thank you very much for all your help
dimkanovikov 19.11.2019 at 15:59 # Reply
Hello, Luis. You are absolutely correct. Currently, the app hasn't the ability to edit one of the previous versions. The main point of that is that the writer works internationally from version to version. But in the future, the author can see the contents of the previous version and copy-paste some of it if it will necessary. In your case, you want to have separate versions and update them all in parallel, so I just can recommend creating separate files for each version.
Brandon 01.11.2019 at 00:04 # Reply
Loving this app
I just got back into writing and am writing a script for an independent feature that we plan on shooting this summer. You software has been brilliant and works exactly the way I have always wanted screenwriting software to. Even if I wind up being able to afford Final Draft at some point, I'll likely wind up continuing to use Kit Scenarist.

MY question is this: In the scene navigator next to the script int he script editor screen all of the scene blocks are consistent but two of them have red icons instead of white. Why is that?

Thank you!
Brandon Smith 05.11.2019 at 22:51 # Reply
Nevermind my last post. I realized that the red headings we indicators for when there is non-printable text in the scene.
dimkanovikov 19.11.2019 at 16:07 # Reply
Hello, Brandon. I'm happy that you'll find reason! And thank you fo kind words! I wish you good luck with your project!
hugo 30.11.2019 at 16:16 # Reply
export problems
Hello, I love your software, and the typewriter noises are perfect :D.
The only thing is for the export : if I export directly to pdf, there are small errors like the number of the sequences that are slighlty higher than the sequence headline (and it gets worse as the screenplay goes). Also, the file is 76mb for a screenplay..!
So I tried exporting to DocX and then converting it to PDF, but then again, there are minor problems (like a headline that will be at the end of the page, or double spaces between sequences) that make it really annoying. Any idea where it comes from ?
Thanks again, your software's great!
dimkanovikov 30.11.2019 at 23:06 # Reply
Hello Hugo,

1. Can you send me to screenshot of the number positioning issue?
2. 76mb is a PDF-file size? O_o
3. What about export to DOCX - looks like font issues, in what template you export script?
Sarah 04.12.2019 at 02:28 # Reply
Hi, is it possible to insert one page after the title page and before the first page of the script? Thank you.
dimkanovikov 11.01.2020 at 17:16 # Reply
Hello Sarah, no, currently, this is cannot be done with the app. We plan to add the ability for the fully customizable title page and with it, you will be able to insert needed count of pages after the title page, but before the script.
Maguy 10.12.2019 at 23:33 # Reply
Hello Dimkanovikov,

I would like to know if you can design within the scenarist a storyboard template. Thank you so much for the great software.
dimkanovikov 11.01.2020 at 17:18 # Reply
Hello, my friend. Plan to implement some similar functionality in version 2.0
Tom 15.12.2019 at 03:56 # Reply
Hey, I'm loving the software, however, being new to scriptwriting I'm struggling to put a character name in and then write dialogue underneath as I have no idea how to get the formatting to work. Thanks for any help
dimkanovikov 11.01.2020 at 17:22 # Reply
Hey Tom, basically you need to do these steps:

1. When you finish writing an action, press TAB
2. App automatically switched to the Character format
3. Write character name and then press ENTER
4. App automatically switched to the Dialogue format
5. ENTER after written dialogue will move you back to the Action format.
6. Repeat :)
Kamel 26.12.2019 at 00:31 # Reply
Hi, Dim. I can't praise enough the quality of your software and the generosity of your team.
I have an important suggestion for you: in movie and TV scripts, every act starts on a new page.
I tried to figure out how to do it but I can't. I tried by creating a folder for each act, by adding line spaces until the new act opens up on a new page... but eventually, it always had a new complication.

Is there a way to do it that I missed?

In addition, the shortcut for the parenthetical doesn't work. Can you tell me if I miss something?

Thank you very much.
dimkanovikov 11.01.2020 at 17:34 # Reply
Hello Kamel,

Thanks a lot for your suggestion. We plan to add the ability of the page breaks to the version 2.0
What about shortcut - some shortcuts can be used in different Operating Systems, so you can reconfigure it via the Settings - Script Editor - Shortcuts
LaVora 03.01.2020 at 19:45 # Reply

When I try to export to docx or pdf, only the first two pages are exported. How can I get the entire script to export? I'm running MS Windows 7.

Thanks in advance.
dimkanovikov 11.01.2020 at 17:35 # Reply
Hello LaVora, please check that you export properly the script but not outline, on research. In the export dialog, the last tab (Export script) should be checked.
seppu 03.01.2020 at 21:13 # Reply
varied scene numbers /changing project name
First of all, a big thumbs up! You are adding a huge good karma by doing this amazing tool open source. I'm also surprised that how appropriate is the Turkish translation. I have 2 questions:
1) Is it possible to give numbers to the scenes as 3a, 3b,... Sometimes we need to split the scenes under the same scene number but without jumping to the next number.
2) Is there a decent way to change a project name other than "save as" option?
dimkanovikov 11.01.2020 at 17:43 # Reply
Hello, my friend.

1) Currently, no. I think about such a feature but can't imagine how it can be implemented. What number should be the next scene, what if some scene will be moved around, etc...
2) You can change the project name in the Research tab and then in the Script list item. Or just with renaming needed file in the folder.
naama 13.01.2020 at 15:52 # Reply
tagging characthers situaions
Hi, thank you, I agree, great Karma. I have the Hebrew version and I have a few obstacles:
1. I don't understand how to add the characters' situations (VO, OC, TITLES, CONTINUES...) to the script
2. also i don't know how to define action separately from tagging a character in the scene. when i tag a character in the scene the script automatically tags the whole line as the character in the scene and if i tag it as an action it tags the whole line as an action unless i break it to 2 lines where there character`s name on one line and action on the other,
dimkanovikov 25.01.2020 at 15:49 # Reply
Hello Naama,
1. Basically it looks like "BARAK (V.O.)". In the application, it works the same way as parts of the scene heading block.
2. Not really understand what purpose do you pursue? What is the reason why you try to tag character in the action?
Manuel Zuluaga 20.01.2020 at 06:22 # Reply
Hola. Escribí las tarjetas y luego inserté las líneas de los actos. Al hacerlo se desconfiguaron algunas tarjetas. Luego me puse a editarlas y también se desconfiguraron algunas. Qué estoy haciendo mal? podrían darme una luz?. Gracias.
dimkanovikov 25.01.2020 at 15:52 # Reply
Hello Manuel, to understand what's wrong I need to know all the steps you made. Please write to me to the with detailed information about this issue and we'll find a resolution for it.
David D. 28.01.2020 at 18:03 # Reply
(CONT'D) Function
Just found KIT Scenarist the other day and love it!

Just wondering how to get the (CONT'D) function to happen when I have a character say something, then an action line, then the same character has more dialogue. As of now, the program doesn't do that automatically.
dimkanovikov 02.02.2020 at 10:07 # Reply
Hello David, you can activate it in the Settings - Script Editor - Editing - Automatically continue dialogues.
Mark 29.01.2020 at 22:40 # Reply
move cards around?
Hello, I can't seem to figure out how to move the cards around freely as you do in the youtube video. I also don't see how to add the lines/arrows to connect the cards. My cards just snap to a fixed place in horizontal lines. Thanks.
dimkanovikov 02.02.2020 at 10:09 # Reply
Hello Mark, currently, this feature is not available. In video showed the very first version of the cards module, which was based on another Open Source project and included in the program. The version of the cards turned out to be very slow and with a lot of bugs and we decided to rewrite the cards module from scratch. Now the possibility of free positioning of cards and the display of arrow-links between them is not available. But it is planned for implementation in future versions of the program.
Najmeh 04.02.2020 at 22:31 # Reply
script justification
Hello, thanks for your great software. I have a short story in the script part but the paragraphs are not justified. how can I justify paragraph ends?
dimkanovikov 15.02.2020 at 09:11 # Reply
Hello Najmeh, basically script template not using text justification, but if you want to do it you can create a custom template (Settings - Templates Library) and set justify alignment for all text styles you want.
Najmeh 21.02.2020 at 20:13 # Reply
script justification
It is the second time I message her and no answer yet. how can I justify paragraphs in Scenarist? second, How can I activate grammatically Correction on Scenarist?
Please consider my questions and answer them, please.
dimkanovikov 02.03.2020 at 22:02 # Reply
Hello Najmeh, I wrote about text justifying ability in the previous reply. What about spelling - you can turn on it in the Settings - Application - Common - Spell check.
Arthur Cortez 24.02.2020 at 21:31 # Reply
Edit number of scenes
Hi David, great software! Thank you. I have a question. How can I edit the number of each scene? I am not writing my script in chronological order, I started at the end. The software automatically numbered the scenes in the order in which I wrote them. I even moved the location of the scenes in the order they appear, but they retain the number in which they were written. Thank you.
dimkanovikov 02.03.2020 at 22:04 # Reply
Hello Arthur, basically there is no ability to manually set numbers for scenes, but I can recommend you try to use Scene numbers locking feature (lock icon in the script editor). When scene numbers are locked you can set up for them custom numbers.
Sophie 28.02.2020 at 19:02 # Reply
Dual Dialogue
Hello, I love the software, but I was wondering how I can create a dual dialogue. Thank you!!
dimkanovikov 02.03.2020 at 22:05 # Reply
Hello Sophie, currently the app hasn't the ability to format double dialogues, but we plan to add this feature in the version 2.0
sophia walcott 01.03.2020 at 14:48 # Reply
how do you remove highlighting? without removing the actual text
dimkanovikov 02.03.2020 at 22:07 # Reply
Hello Sophia. You can do it with a clear button in the review mode toolbar (icon with crossed-out pencil).
Tom 02.03.2020 at 01:54 # Reply
Hey Dimitri,

Thanks for making such a fantastic application. I was wondering if there was a way to update auto-fill suggestions as your working on your script.

I would have auto-fill suggestions for old scene locations that no longer exist, and it is annoying to have to backspace them out for new scenes.

Thanks so much,
dimkanovikov 02.03.2020 at 22:09 # Reply
Hello Tom, you can manage locations list via the Research tab. Just remove unneeded locations and they never will be shown in text autocompletion later.
Vladimir 13.03.2020 at 01:56 # Reply
Hi, sorry if this has been brought up already: I am unable to download the dictionary for the English (US) spell checking. The error message says to check my internet connection, which is fine.

Also, I came across an issue where the character name is at the bottom of one page and the dialogue starts at the top of the next. Is there a setting to prevent the split between pages? Or do I have to manually move the character name to the top of the page where the dialogue lands?

dimkanovikov 07.04.2020 at 18:12 # Reply
Hello Vladimir,

1. It's strange. It can be a problem with some libraries granted internet access for the app. What operating system do you use?
2. The application should move it automatically if this option set (Settings - Script Editor - Editing - Automatically correct on page breaks), please, check it.
Diego Gomez 13.03.2020 at 22:42 # Reply
Hola Dimitri.
Encuentro que este software es una maravilla. Muchas gracias por tan buen desarrollo. Ha sido muy útil para nuestro proyecto de animación, Felicitaciones! Saludos desde Colombia.
dimkanovikov 07.04.2020 at 18:13 # Reply
Hola Diego! Thank you! Good luck with your project!
pj jones 24.03.2020 at 17:48 # Reply
Print the ACTs
Hi there - I am just evaluating your software at the moment and I find it fabulous so far.
Is there a way of printing ACT1 and ACT2 etc ?
I have set these up already and they appear fine on the script but the printouts only print out the SCENES. thanx. (or have i got it wrong?) cheers :¬)
dimkanovikov 07.04.2020 at 18:17 # Reply
Hello PJ, yes, this is a limitation of the current version. Plan to add the ability to print folder headers and footers in version 2.
pj jones 27.03.2020 at 01:49 # Reply
Script Blocks
Hi there, thank you for all your hard work in making this great program suite. Very very good. Ochin kriseba :¬)
Please can you tell me, can we, as users, add in new blocks, delete old ones or perhaps change the names of the existing ones please? (Besides Action, Dialogue etc)
dimkanovikov 07.04.2020 at 18:18 # Reply
Hm... Currently no, but what is the reason to creating new blocks?
Isabella 29.03.2020 at 22:32 # Reply
Split screen
I've been using KitScenarist for a little while now and I find it amazing so far! I've run in just one issue now that I don't know how to fix and that is a split/dual screen. How can I bring it back to seeing just one full view of what I'm doing and not two separate things?

dimkanovikov 07.04.2020 at 18:20 # Reply
Hello Isabella, you can turn it off by pressing F2 button, or disable the option in Settings - Application - Common - Two panel mode.
Peter 30.03.2020 at 03:15 # Reply
Scene Dictionaries
Hi, Dimka!

First of all, thank you and your team for this great software! I've just installed it, spent 1 hour on it and I'm already confident with it! It's great!

I saw the option to add more scene dictionaries like scene introduction/time etc., I quickly added them in my native language, everything's fine but when I make a new project the ones that I've added are gone.
Am I missing some sync option or I have to add them manually on every new project? Not that it's a big deal, it's fast but just asking.

Thank you again for this awesome software, now I'm inspired to write! Good luck with everything!

dimkanovikov 07.04.2020 at 18:25 # Reply
Hello Peter,

Currently, dictionaries created automatically for each new project and they are based on the chosen application language. I can suggest you create a template for using it for new projects if there is no translation option for your native language yet.
Miranda 01.04.2020 at 08:21 # Reply
Auto-capitalize I's
Hello team! first of all, huge thanks for your work on this software. It's honestly everything I've been looking for. It's very much appreciated.
I wanted to suggest the function of auto capitalization for I's. (Ex: And i'm...) Given that, unless you start the sentence with the i, it's not gonna be capitalized and it's very used in dialogue.
That's all. Thank you again and looking forward to the next update!
dimkanovikov 07.04.2020 at 21:32 # Reply
Hello Miranda, great suggestion! Thank you!
Ram 09.04.2020 at 18:13 # Reply
Thank you for this great software!
Hi Dimka,
A couple of days ago i finished writing my first screenplay ever on KIT, and i couldn't be more excited!
It's really great and simple, and has made the process of writing so much fun for me!
I have experienced some bugs i would like to tell you about:
1. The cards module is a bit unstable. for example, when i was trying to delete a card and it deleted a lot of cards. Another example is that at some point, some cards got randomly deleted and it was a bummer. I think what fixed it was just organizing everything via the script section interface, and rebooting the application helped as well.
2. it appears that sometimes when you use the CTRL + Z undo function it deletes stuff from the script. Might be connected with the cards bug i mentioned, not sure though...
3. The BOLD function in the script - sometimes the program will "unbold" certain sections or words for no apparent reason.
4. When i exported to docx some words came out colored in white for some reason.
5. When i changed font size on the template interface, some of the words remained the same size, and the some of the bold and underlined words turned regular. I use the Hebrew template if it's any difference.
By the way, is there an estimate about how much the new pro version 2.0 will cost at most?
Thank you very much for your hard work!
You help people make their dreams come alive on the white sheet of paper :)
dimkanovikov 20.04.2020 at 17:29 # Reply
Hello Ram,

Many thanks for your feedback!

1. It's sad, but the problem in that I can't find a way to reproduce this behavior, so, the bug still alive in the application.
2. This one will be fixed with the next update.
3-4. Do you have an example of the script where we can reproduce this behavior? If yes, please send it to me to the and I will check it.
5. This bug also already fixed and will be published with the next update.

What about version 2, not sure now, but I think it will cost about the $50
Yogesh Mali 18.04.2020 at 17:07 # Reply
Spacing between the lines
The software is really helpful for me. I am writting the marathi movie script and I have typed it in devnagari font using googgle inputs. I am not able to increase the spacing between two lines. When I check the print preview or export the PDF, the text is getting overlapped. Please give me solution for this.
dimkanovikov 20.04.2020 at 17:31 # Reply
Hello Yogesh,

Please send me an example of this script to the and explanations of what wrong with it.
Vlakho 28.04.2020 at 02:03 # Reply
Hola Dimitri, permitame felicitarlo por su excelente trabajo, sin duda, KIT SCENARIST es un software que brinda múltiples opciones a quienes nos gusta trabajar de forma ordenada; sin embargo tengo una sugerencia respetuosa y es con relación a la enumeración de escenas, y es que, considero que se considere, darle al libretista o guionista darle la libertad de enumerar sus escenas según su criterio, por de esta manera, podemos describir acciones en una misma locación.

Reitero mis felicitaciones a su equipo de trabajo por tan gran maravillosa labor.
dimkanovikov 28.04.2020 at 10:07 # Reply
Hola Vlakho, we plan to add the ability to free positioning of cards in version 2.
CHANDAN 28.04.2020 at 16:40 # Reply
First of all the application looks great. The split screen is kinda distracting, so is there any way i can fill the screen with the complete page of the script. I just want the script to be seen & not any tool bars or additional tabs. Is it possible.
dimkanovikov 01.06.2020 at 06:20 # Reply
Hello, Chandan. Yes, it is possible - you can use a fullscreen mode which can be turned on with the F5 button in the screenplay editor.
Sergey 28.04.2020 at 21:11 # Reply
Scene numbers
Good day guys, could you please tell how to make scene number to be visible on both sides fo scene heading, not just on the left side?
dimkanovikov 01.06.2020 at 06:21 # Reply
Hello Sergey, currently application support scene numbers only on one side of the text. Plan to improve it in version 2.0
Miks Koljers 07.05.2020 at 14:06 # Reply
Changing text case?
First, I want to say this is a really great screenwriting tool, so thank you. I'm using it a lot.
But sometimes when I've imported a script from another program such as word, I need to change text from upper case to lower case or sentence case. I can't seem to find a feature that lets me do this - is there something I have missed? At the moment I need to re-type everything manually, it seems. Thanks!
dimkanovikov 01.06.2020 at 06:22 # Reply
Hello Miks, you can do it with the Ctrl and down or up arrow, to automatically make words case upper or lower.
Joan Cabrol 21.05.2020 at 12:55 # Reply
Hello! I'm having troubles running the app in Windows 10 x64. I don't know why but the app doen't open, even if I reinstall it. I've been trying with portable version too, with same result. This happened from one day to another, so I can't tell if it was somethig in my PC. The application's process is running because I can see it in the Task Manager, but nothing happen after that. Any solution for this? Thanks, and regards!
dimkanovikov 01.06.2020 at 06:23 # Reply
Hello Joan, please write us to the and we'll help you to resolve this issue.
NoMan 24.05.2020 at 11:38 # Reply
Enabling 'always Bold' for Scene Headings and Characters
Hi! Great software.
I know that, to enable Bold or Italic I can select the text and press Ctrl+B or Ctrl+I (Windows). But is there any option to keep the Scene Headings and/or Character Headings always Bold by default?
dimkanovikov 01.06.2020 at 06:26 # Reply
Hello NoMan, yes, you can create a new screenplay template in the Settings - Templates library and setup base formatting for the Scene headings and Character text blocks. Then you can use newly created template for the script editor (settings - script editor - editing - template) and for export (menu - export - export script - advanced options - template).
Bens 24.05.2020 at 20:38 # Reply
Hi Admin,
This sw is very nice and good to use in my language (Tamil). thank you
dimkanovikov 01.06.2020 at 06:26 # Reply
You are welcome, my friend!
Fan made films 21.06.2021 at 06:32 # Reply
How to add tamil to Kit? i see other indian languages but not tamil
10.07.2021 at 22:49 # Reply
How to add any language to the KIT
What do you mean? 

In the KIT is the ability to write in any language that is supported by the operating system. If your operating system support typing in your language - you can type in the KIT too.

If you mean spellchecking in your language - yes, we have such plans to add it in one of the next releases.

And if you want to have an interface translation - we haven't any translators on our team. If you want - you can translate on your own. That is easy technically. You can read about the process here

If you are ready - message us.
Juan C. 25.05.2020 at 20:35 # Reply
Hello have a nice day, you have wonderful program congratulations for that; I would like to ask you if it is possible to underscore letters?

Thank you
dimkanovikov 01.06.2020 at 06:27 # Reply
Hello Juan, you can use shortcut Ctrl+U (Command+U if you on Mac) to make text underscored.
Phyllis 04.05.2021 at 23:05 # Reply
You can't use the Mac shortcut CTRL+U
Scenarist uses CTRL+U as the shortcut to create a character block, so it doesn't work for underscoring. Is there another way to underscore?
05.05.2021 at 01:42 # Reply
You can't use the Mac shortcut CTRL+U
You can choose one of that ways:
1) Open Settings —> Script editor —> Shortcuts —> Find the Character line —> Double click on Shortcut —> Replace Ctrl+U with another Shortcut —> Ctrl+U works by design for underscoring
2) Open Script Editor —> Select the text you want to underline by click —> Right-Click —> Tap on Underlined U —> Your text is underscored
Mariana 28.05.2020 at 21:03 # Reply
Please help
Hi, first THANK YOU so much for this software, I am about to be on my first script contest and using yours was incredibly useful.

Nevertheless, there is one thing I haven´t been able to do.

I need my script to have: A cover page, then a "one-pager" (synopsis) and then the script.

When I choose the option of "Print Script preview" It appears: the cover page and the script. BUT the one-pager (synopsis) does not appear.

This is really important because it is a requirement for the contest.

dimkanovikov 01.06.2020 at 06:30 # Reply
Hello Mariana,

Currently, application does not support the option you want, but I can suggest you two ways o how you can do it with the app:
1. You can add synopsis page directly into the script
2. You can export screenplay, say in MS Word format and then add your synopsis manually from the MS Word or OpenOffice.
P N Sontakke 04.06.2020 at 10:06 # Reply
I am a novice script writer and have joined one institute. I already had (paid) a Final Draft 11 in my laptop. I have written 120 pages in the FINAL Draft. However, my lecturer advised me to download the KIT Scenarist. I have downloaded the latest version. To my surprise, the KIT Scenarist software is very easy and user-friendly. I am happy with the features of Scenarist. I hope, it will be at par in terms of features with the FINAL DRAFT in future.
mchsguy 10.06.2020 at 17:16 # Reply
this is a great software! kudos to all developers
one question id like to ask, will kit scenarist support multiple scripts in one project eventually (eg for working with television series)
dimkanovikov 23.06.2020 at 08:16 # Reply
Hello, my friend. No, KIT Scenarist does not support this option, but it will be the core part of our new application Story Architect (, which will be the next generation of the KIT Scenarist.
Sarah 10.06.2020 at 20:28 # Reply
“Continues” at the Top/Bottom of Every Page?

First off, I’m newbie screenwriter and I absolutely love your software.

I was wondering, though, is there a way to automatically add “Continued” at the top and bottom of every page?
dimkanovikov 23.06.2020 at 08:17 # Reply
Hello Sarah,

Thanks for your message. Can you explain it a bit more detailed, I don't hear about this option yet. What is the reason you want it?
Hemanth 13.06.2020 at 18:23 # Reply
Page view option
Hi, I have recently come across KIT Scenarist and this application makes so much sense compared to all the other expensive commercial software. It has almost all the options that writers need to write a whole screenplay.

My question to you is, when I create a text document using ADD TEXT under DOCUMENTS option, is there an option for PAGE VIEW of that document? It will be much easier to work in page view like we do in Microsoft word. Right now the text document stretches wide till the edge of the screen.

Thanks again
dimkanovikov 23.06.2020 at 08:18 # Reply
Hello Hemanth, currently no, but we think about it for future updates!
Caleb Ellis 13.06.2020 at 18:48 # Reply
What is the 'Scene Characters' format for?
I searched around for a long time to find a good, free screenwriting software, and this one is perfect! Just one question though, what is the 'Scene Characters' button for in the formats? I cannot figure it out. Thanks!
dimkanovikov 23.06.2020 at 08:22 # Reply
Hello Caleb, with it you can write out all of the scene characters and then the app can produce more reliable reports since some of the characters can not have any dialogues in the scene but should present in it.
Carlos 13.06.2020 at 19:38 # Reply
two characters in the same line
Hi, congratulation on the software, happy user here.
Is there a way of having two characters aligned in a two-column dialog block? I have seen this resource in scripts to indicate characters talking at the same time, not sequentially.
Thank you.
dimkanovikov 23.06.2020 at 08:23 # Reply
Hello Carlos,

No, KIT Scenarist does not support this option, but it will be implemented in our new application Story Architect (, which will be the next generation of the KIT Scenarist.
Romeo 14.06.2020 at 21:20 # Reply
I just discover your software and it's very promising. I'm running on Ubuntu Studio and I've been using Trelby, Celtx (the desktop version), and sometimes Fade In (the demo version) for screenwriting up until now. I think you have a great software with a neat and user friendly interface and great features. I particularly like the idea of having multiple versions of a script. One request though, or two. First, in "Characters Speaking Parts" report, can you keep the format of the dialogue (as it is in the script)? It helps the reading once the report is printed and handed to an actor because he can see where each dialogue starts and end. With a monolithic text block, it's kinda difficult to visualize that. The second request is: can we also have a sort of "Scene Speaking Parts" report that shows all the dialogues in a given scene? Again with the format of the dialogue kept to help with the reading. Celtx for example has those features. I wonder if is possible to have these features into KIT Scenarist too if it's not too much to ask.

Thank you again for your amazing work.
dimkanovikov 23.06.2020 at 08:26 # Reply
Hello Romeo,

Thanks! Its interesting ideas! I'll think about it for future versions!
John Reuben 17.06.2020 at 09:41 # Reply
Hello Dim,
previously i used your software in my laptop, now i am using software in my desk top. now i met a problem, software didn't shows any scripts what i did in my laptop. even after i copied it from my laptop.please help me.thank you
John Reuben
dimkanovikov 23.06.2020 at 08:28 # Reply
Hello John,

Did you try to open projects you copied to the your desktop by double-clicking on it, or via the open action from the menu? Does it work for you?
John Reuben 27.06.2020 at 21:33 # Reply
thanks for your reply,
not yet open any one script written by me. And also i have not seen research button in the installed software.
thanks and please do the needful
dimkanovikov 13.07.2020 at 07:22 # Reply
What about the research tab - you can check it in the Settings - Application - Modules - Research. If projects still not opens, then write to us please to the we will need some more information to help you.
Camille fuger 29.06.2020 at 18:58 # Reply
however, i have a question concerning the scene heading after my first 2, the ones after become 2A...
2C.... and so on
How can I make them go from 1 to 10 with no letters?
thanks for the answer
dimkanovikov 13.07.2020 at 07:24 # Reply
Hello Camille, you need to turn off scene numbers locking - turn off button with the padlock icon.
Gia 03.07.2020 at 22:51 # Reply
Great software
I have the version 0.7.2 rc 9h and I can't find the "photos" button under a characters name. Is it available only for KIT Scenarist Pro?
dimkanovikov 13.07.2020 at 07:28 # Reply
Hello Gia, no, it's available for all users. You need to press the right mouse button right on the character item in the research tree and in the context menu choose the option "Add new" and then select the "Images gallery" document to add it to the Character.
Callum 07.07.2020 at 05:49 # Reply
Center Text
I was just wondering if there was a way to center my text in the script so I could put "The End" in the proper position. Thanks!
dimkanovikov 13.07.2020 at 07:29 # Reply
Hello, my friend. There is no option in the KIT Scenarist to setup custom alignment for text. We plan to add it to the Story Architect app, which will be version 2 of the KIT Scenarist.
Silvina 09.07.2020 at 21:17 # Reply
Hola tengo un problema. Cuando estaba escribiendo el guion, se me achico la pagina. y no la puedo agrandar. La lupa no funciona. O al menos no se como hacerlo. Podrías ayudarme? Gracias
dimkanovikov 13.07.2020 at 07:30 # Reply
Ola Silvina, you can zoom in screenplay text with the shortcut Ctrl and +, or Command and + if you are on Mac.
vinci 11.07.2020 at 11:28 # Reply
Compare Script Versions
Hi. First, thank you for this great software. I spent a lot of time trying to find THE scriptwriting application. Scenarist is full of great tools and also a sober but elegant look. I write in French and the language option to get the interface in a different language is great too.
My questions are:
1) How to use the Compare Script Versions. Can we keep different versions inside the same project? How to create a second version from the first draft?
2) Are you planning to add a storyboard function with some kind of timeline to simulate the film?
Thank you
dimkanovikov 13.07.2020 at 07:39 # Reply
Hello, my friend! Thanks for your kind words!

1. To use compare versions tool you need to create some versions by using "Start new version" Menu item, or via Research - Screenplay - Versions - Add new. After that, you can compare the previous version with current, or previous versions. This allows you to keep different versions in the same project, but it does not allow you to edit old versions, the app saves them just as artifacts.
2. We didn't plan it earlier, but the idea sounds good, I will think about it! Thanks!
Derek Joyce 20.02.2021 at 20:35 # Reply
Mac Read only
Hi all, Can anyone tell me why every script I create in Scenarist is in READ-ONLY format? Every permission on my Mac is set so this isn't a problem, yet here we are. I can't locate the permissions within Scenarist to turn this option off. Anybody?
24.02.2021 at 17:26 # Reply
Mac Read only
Please, don`t work directly with files in the folder KITScenarist/backups.
That is guessed for one of the last steps of file recovering, but not for everyday routine work. We have forbidden direct work with files in that folder for that reason. It is a chance to recovery projects in emergency cases and we made a solid guarantee of that.

Save your file(s) to any other folder except KITScenarist/backups to solve your issue.
Ric park 21.02.2021 at 11:13 # Reply
Bold scene heading
Hello, beautiful software! I was wondering whether there's an automatic way of having the scene heading in bold when you hit ENTER rather than the manual way of CTR-B?
24.02.2021 at 17:45 # Reply
Bold scene heading
To solve your problem you have to create a new template: Settings —> Template Library —> Tap on the Plus Icon (Add Template) —> Choose Base Template —> Rename and edit it anytime
Set up the new template here Settings —> Script Editor —> Editing—> Editor Text Template
Bertrand 22.02.2021 at 11:34 # Reply
Problem with parenthesis in dialogues
Thank you for putting Kit Scenarist available for free.
I have a problem when I add text in parenthesis in a dialogue because the software "thinks" it's a parenthetical description to put below the character's name whereas it's short text in parenthesis to insert inside the dialogue.
24.02.2021 at 21:22 # Reply
Problem with parenthesis in dialogues
Please, try the next solution:
Settings —> Script Editor —> Editing —> Use open bracket in dialogue for jump to parenthetical —> Off
Maximiliano De Absurdo 24.02.2021 at 08:49 # Reply
Can't download spell check dictionary
Hi there, I'm new into this software, I really love the dynamics you can get to improve the workflow. However, I'm between the wall and the sword, I mean; The spell check is completely available.

I tried: Settings - Application - Common - Spell check - Check. The error message says to check my internet connection, which is fine. And then, nothing.

I rub the software on Windows 10
25.02.2021 at 16:16 # Reply
Can't download spell check dictionary
Please try the next
1. Make sure that your internet connection stable
2. Set up the required spell checking dictionary
3. Turn off the KIT App
4. In your Windows Explorer (Finder for Mac, etc.) tap on the search panel
5. Find the folder "DimkaNovikov labs"
5. Inside it open next folders DimkaNovikov labs —> Scenarist —> Hunspell
6. Delete there all the files except "UserDictionary.dict"
7. Then turn on the KIT app
VINCENT FOXALL 25.02.2021 at 23:26 # Reply
How to delete file that i no want to work on?
I love, love, love this programme. It is brilliant and so well thought-out. Have used it for about nine or ten months now...and have ONLY JUST realised I don't know the answer to the following question - because I haven't really needed to do this - (and still don'r really NEED to do this) - HOW DO I GET RID OF PROJECTS THAT I NO LONGER WANT TO WORK ON?
28.02.2021 at 01:55 # Reply
How to delete file that i no want to work on?
Here are three ways to do it:
1) You are in local files: Move the cursor to the desired project —> Icon with a crossed-out eye (Hide project from recent) —> Tap it
2) You are in cloud files: Move the cursor to the desired project —> Icon with a Trash bin (Hide project) —> Tap it
3) Move or delete the local file from his current path and on the next app restart it will go away from the file list of the KIT
bertrand 27.02.2021 at 16:40 # Reply
Alignment lost after pdf export
Hi, I created a custom template based on the Final Draft A4 and set alignment center, letters italics and no upper case for some kind of titles. It works in KS but after exporting as PDF the alignment is left and letters are all upper case without italics. How come? Thank you!
27.02.2021 at 21:59 # Reply
Alignment lost after pdf export
Please check the next settings and make sure that they matched:
Settings —> Script Editor —> Editing—> Editor Text Template
Menu —> Export —> Export Script —> Additional —> Template
Bertrand 01.03.2021 at 12:06 # Reply
Keep character name with dialog
First thank you for answering previous questions!

I have a problem with the character name at the bottom of a page and the dialogue starting at the top of the next. Is there a way to prevent the split between pages? In the Settings the option Automatically correct on page breaks is checked.
01.03.2021 at 18:36 # Reply
Keep character name with dialog
Please mention where does this problem appear: on Script or on Export?
If the problem happens on Export please check this:
Menu —> Export —> Export Script —> Additional —> Check Page Breaks

About your second question "blank white space" - please, write to us at We need screenshots with a problem.
Eyal 17.03.2021 at 17:42 # Reply
The Versions - how go back and edit?
I started using the "versions" tab every time I started a new draft. is it possible not only to review new drafts but to go back and edit them?
18.03.2021 at 07:49 # Reply
The Versions - how go back and edit?

The versions are snapshots. Do you create the number 2? Number 1 is frozen forever. You can just create number 3, open number 1, copy all the text from number 1, delete all the text from the script editor and paste text from version number 1. That will be your returned number 1 and now you can edit it.
Nerda 22.03.2021 at 00:42 # Reply
Can this software be trusted?
Where this software is being developed? Is it really safe to use it without the content being leaked to some good comrade? has anyone tested?
Tobias 29.03.2021 at 18:45 # Reply
Cards ordering doesn't work
Hello. Great software at first glance. When I got to the cards section I noticed that card ordering doesn't work. It won't count past "2" no matter what I add to the section. Also, if I try to re-order cards, the numbering doesn't update correctly.

Windows 10 Pro. Latest version of Kit as of this post.
01.04.2021 at 23:00 # Reply
Cards ordering doesn't work
Yes, we know about that floating bug. Please, try the next workaround if your cards mess: Open Script tab —> Top Tools Panel —> Press three slice button (Outline)—> It is blue?—> Save the document —> Go back to the cards section
In some cases, only file reopening can help.
Jacqueline 18.04.2021 at 03:22 # Reply
Manual for beginners and preview
just heard about this app, and really want to know how to use it to its best advantage. Do you have a BASIC "HOW TO GET STARTED" instruction, that will allow me to feel more comfortable using this? The only online screenwriter I've used so far, is (was!) Amazon Scripwriter...which they have discontinued a while ago. What I want help with is this: I'd prefer to start typing on the screen - and see what I ,have, instead of importing a Word document draft. As then, I'd be able to see from the screen. whether my text has gone onto another page, and just start cutting out unnecessary dialogue from the screen, instead of importing text - and wasting time deleting it. I'm sure your manual explained it well, but I get stage fright whenever I have to do anything I'm not accustomed to. Thanks!
26.04.2021 at 23:02 # Reply
Manual for beginners and preview

Sorry, but all manual we have for now it is this article "AT FIRST GLANCE"

If you want to see what will be on the paper without export, you can use Preview mode
Menu (left upper corner) —> Print Preview Script
with shortcut F12
Menu (left upper corner) —> Export (There you set format, additional setting and template)—> Print Preview

If you have some other troubles, or this problem with page breaks didn't resolve, please contact us by email
Ahmed 19.04.2021 at 20:45 # Reply
Joining Characters
Hi! I'm using Scenarist for the first time and it does looks fantastic!
while writing a script, I tend to name some characters by their function before we get to know them properly, then when I give them the real name, the software gives me two characters instead of one. For example, the cab driver is the DRIVER in the beginning, then we know his nameis Joe, can I join the names into one character?
Thank You!!
29.04.2021 at 01:04 # Reply
Joining Characters

Sorry, but KIT hasn't this feature. We'll think about it, but it will be possible only in the next KIT generation - Story Architect
Fedexior 03.05.2021 at 19:04 # Reply
Dual Dialogues
Acabo de terminar un guion y el programa funciona muy bien.
Tengo una duda: ¿Hay opción para poner diálogos duales? Esto es: hace que aparezcan dos diálogos paralelos, lo que indica que dos personajes hablan al mismo tiempo.
16.05.2021 at 00:01 # Reply
Dual Dialogues

KIT will not have dual dialogues. It is realized in the next KIT generation - Story Architect.

And sorry, support communicates in English only.
Emmanuel 01.07.2021 at 14:36 # Reply
Add an image to the title page
I have been misled by the automatic translator... I thought I could ask something in French...
Anyway, thanks for your good work, the program is great. I don't want to hear about other scrip writing apps.
I miss something though.
Is there any plan in the future to add an image to the title page ?
Thank you.
03.07.2021 at 21:06 # Reply
Add an image to the title page
Hi, Emmanuel!

Yes, we have such plans to add editable title page in the next generation of KIT Scenarist - Story Architect.
José Manuel Surroca 06.07.2021 at 12:33 # Reply
Problems opening a file, saved the day before normally.
Buenos días. ¿Cómo puedo recuperar desde un backup?
07.07.2021 at 15:24 # Reply
Problems opening a file, saved the day before normally.
For the script restoring please do the next:

1. Tools —> Restore Script From Backup —> Select the actual snapshot for recovery —> Press Flag “Restore Script”.
2. You can repeat it until you will find the most full version of your script.

Does that don't help?

Then try the second solution, restore from backup folder:
1. To find the backups path see Settings —> Application —> Save Backups.
2. Copy-Paste that path from the KIT setting for Windows into the Explorer, for Mac - into the Finder
3. Every project you need has the name Your_Project_Name.full.backup.kitsp
4. Open the project you need and save it in the usual path (or cloud), change the name to a more useful
5. If that is needed - do all points for the internal Restore tool

Please, don't work directly with files in the backups folder. It is created for the one of last steps to restore files. Not for everyday work.

If both solutions haven't helped, please, contact us by the feedback form or e-mail
Brett 02.09.2021 at 20:19 # Reply
Page display size
I love this software. I am using it with my middle school students to teach them screenplay format. I am having an issue though that I have seen as a common topic on this page. We are using Mac computers with 1080 screens. The size of the page display while they are typing is so small that it is difficult to read (it is on my 4k machine as well). Is there a plan for a fix where going into full screen mode will increase the size of the page display, and thereby also the size of the text? Thank you for your time.
04.09.2021 at 18:33 # Reply

The KIT has a special setting for very high resolution:
Settings —> Application —> Common —> Enable HIDPI scaling

But be careful, this setting fits only form resolution more than 1920*1080

Also, you can check the Compact mode setting
Settings —> Application —> Common —> Compact mode
Sara 04.10.2021 at 13:47 # Reply
How to add "(more)" automatically on a page break?

Once I saw a feature to add "(more)" automatically when a dialogue breaks into two parts after a page break. Can you please tell me how to enable this feature?
13.10.2021 at 20:53 # Reply

To turn this feature on, please, go to the settings
Settings —> Script Editor —> Editing —> Automatically Correct on page breaks

And if you're going to export and print the script, don't forget to turn this setting in the export menu:
Menu (left upper corner) —> Export —> Export Script —> Additional (Numbering, Title Page etc.) —> Check Page Breaks
Ale 11.10.2021 at 18:55 # Reply
alt+backspace to delete a word
I love the application and itI would be great if I could use alt+backspace to delete a whole word. I use it all the time in every other text application. Thank you very much for your work.
11.10.2021 at 19:53 # Reply

Thank you for the kind words.
As we know, it can be used as alternative to undo (Also you can use common Ctrl+Z). To delete the whole word any time (not like undo) try Ctrl+Backspace.
Georgie 19.10.2021 at 17:24 # Reply
The navigation panel at the right
Hi! I love KitScenarist and have been using it for a while now. However, I have encountered a problem. I seem to have moved the navigator panel from the left to the right and I can't work out how to put it back. It's not a massive issue but it's a little annoying considering I don't even know how I did it. Thanks
23.10.2021 at 02:39 # Reply

To move the navigation panel, move a mouse to the edge of the panel until it becomes two opposite arrows, and then press the right mouse button.
Muzi 20.10.2021 at 18:20 # Reply
Doesn't start anymore! Ubuntu 20.04

I love the program but I have an issue. KIT Scenarist doesn't start anymore! When I click on the app or I'm trying to open a file nothing happens. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04. Is there any way to re-install the program or update it?
25.10.2021 at 13:08 # Reply

Can you remember, after what actions KIT stopped opening? What is your KIT version?
Which application for Linux do you use - deb or Appimage?

And we are sorry, but we have troubles with protonmail. Can you message us on facebook or from another email?
Muzi 27.10.2021 at 21:43 # Reply
How can I check the version? I can't start the app so I don't know the current version.
I don't know what I did before it stopped working, I exported a script just a couple of days before that.
I think I used deb to install the app.
02.11.2021 at 20:27 # Reply
You can see the app's version in the Menu (top left corner) at the bottom. Unfortunately, it's impossible, if the app doesn't start.
Have you tried to uninstall the app and install the latest version?
If it doesn't help, please, check on AppImage version.
You can download both versions from our site
Marcus Blea 30.10.2021 at 18:43 # Reply
TV projects names
I love it, but there's one small problem, I write both TV and Movies, so I need the Tv projects to be named after the same thing. but the app won't let me and it just replaces it, overall its great app
09.11.2021 at 17:51 # Reply

Can you describe, please, in more detail, where do you name your projects, and where the name replaces them?

KIT doesn't have a function for the multi-episodes in one document. You can use some workarounds like folders (acts) to collect one episode
or some special names to divide episodes, like =========.
Or you can create a new project for each episode, but there you have different names.
But we released multi-episodes function in one project in the next KIT generation - Story Architect
BastianL 31.10.2021 at 15:37 # Reply
Sidebar with Sluglines are gone
after the new update, the sidebar with the sluglines (locations) is gone. Is this permanently or can I change it in the settings?
05.11.2021 at 21:57 # Reply

Move your mouse over the edge of the screen until it becomes two opposite arrows. Then hold down the left mouse button and drag the desired distance to the left or right.

If you do not find the closed navigation bar on the left - check the right edge of the script editor window. It may be there too.
Muzi 10.11.2021 at 19:28 # Reply
How to uninstall the app (remove all the files)?
Can you tell me how to uninstall the app (remove all the files). I'd like to do a clean reinstall.
15.11.2021 at 18:01 # Reply

Can you please clarify your operating system and apps version (full, or portable/AppImage)?

Because, if you have a portable or AppImage version, you can delete the folder with the app or AppImage file.
Ronald 15.12.2021 at 18:34 # Reply
I want to congratulate the Kit Scenarist team for the excellent job they have done, and do, with this excellent scripting program. Besides being very well conceived, it has the plus of being completely free (at least for the moment). Kit Scenarist, while a bit difficult to find, is a great support to creators who do not have many resources. Thank you very much for your work and keep it up !!!
16.12.2021 at 20:26 # Reply
Thanks a lot for the kind words and feedback! It means a lot to us and makes us work even harder and don't give up.
Have nice work!
Muzi 09.01.2022 at 18:42 # Reply
Startup Issue
Hi, I've managed to remove and install the app (deb) via software center, but I get the same issue, I click on the icon and nothing happens, the app doesn't start. Can you please tell me the issue or release a fix? I really love this program and I don't want to change to another kind of screenwriting software again.
18.01.2022 at 17:49 # Reply

We sent you an email with a couple of questions about the issue. Recently, we created a reserve mailbox in case of trouble with sending.

For Linux users we recommend downloading an AppImage version - it's simple in using and has no difference with deb package except it's portable.
If you have doubts, you can read a version comparison here
Paul Abah 15.01.2022 at 18:00 # Reply
Convert to PDF
Please help me.
How can I convert my project to PDF?
20.01.2022 at 17:50 # Reply

To convert a script into PDF, you can use an export function:
Menu —> Export —> Export Script

Don't forget to check Additional settings so your script looks like in the app:
Menu —> Export —> Export Script —> Additional (Numbering, Title Page etc.)

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