KIT Scenarist 0.7.2 beta 8

Hello comrades!

Update KIT Scenarist 0.7.2 beta 8 is ready and already available for download! In this update, we added a few production-specific features, but in which the screenwriter takes a direct part, and also we fixed some problems.

What's under the hood?
- added the ability to lock scene numbers;
- added the ability to specify a custom number for the locked scene;
- added the ability to specify the start number of scenes for the script in the section Research - Script;
- setting the prefix of the scene numbers also moved to the script parameters in the Research and now displayed not only in export, but will also directly in the script editor;
- also fixed the problem with the prefix of the scene numbers when exporting the script;
- added the ability to specify a color for any research document, and the colors assigned to the characters are also displayed opposite their dialogues in the script editor;
- the option of highlighting blocks now also takes into account the colors of scenes and replicas;
- in the script, you can now set the color for several scenes selected in the navigator simultaneously;
- improved automatic splitting of dialogues on page breaks;
- fixed problems with saving words in the user dictionary of spelling check;
- fixed the detected synchronization problems in the cloud service.

Let's go!

Published: 19 June 2018


Federico Ondarts 19.06.2018 at 23:42 # Reply
Great work!
Suggestion: On the character research page it would be helpful to be able to add a photo/image, age, clothes and relationships.
Also please add dual dialogue! Thanks.
I'am almost finishing my movie script On Kit Scenarist!
dimkanovikov 20.06.2018 at 09:06 # Reply
Hello, Federico! Thank you!

Yes, we plan radically improve research module in part of detalisation information about characters, locations and add some new types of objects. And other research tools like mind map editor will be improved too. All in version 0.7.3.

But in the current version, we plan to add dual dialogues and ability to work with script revisions.

Congratulate on your work! Let me know when it will be filmed and I talk about your project in our community!
Troy Grant 21.06.2018 at 06:43 # Reply
Great update! Any plans to add the option for left and right columns in custom templates? I'd like to use KIT Scenarist to write for graphic novels, and having the character name and character dialogue side by side in columns is a common format style for graphic novels. Thanks for all your hard work!
dimkanovikov 22.06.2018 at 08:44 # Reply
Hello, Troy. Can you provide a bit more details about graphic novels format?
Troy Grant 23.06.2018 at 07:03 # Reply
Sure. I'm not sure if you allow links in comments, but this link shows one of the more popular formats for graphic novels and comics:

The picture is from this article:

Notice how the character name is on the left column and the dialogue is on the right column on the same line? I'd like to be able to create a template with that format in KIT Scenarist. Thanks for the reply!
dimkanovikov 25.06.2018 at 09:24 # Reply
Thanks for the information. I will research what we can do to implement this format feature.
Troy Grant 26.06.2018 at 09:11 # Reply
Jess 28.07.2018 at 19:19 # Reply
Hi guys, I loved the software. I discovered it yesterday and I'm really fascinated. Exciting to see where you can take it. A simple suggestion: it would be great to be able to change the color of the text in the cards. Because it gets difficult to read with light colors like yellow.

And then (I think that there is not app yet that has incorporated a function for those who work scripting tv series), i mean It would be really useful a function that allows you to work the argument and the arcs of a whole season, as the function of having all the scripts of the season under a single project.

Great job!
dimkanovikov 30.07.2018 at 08:38 # Reply
Hello Jess,

Thanks for your feedback and suggestions!

1. We plan to make automatic color changing in a way that text will be contrasting to the card color.
2. Great idea! We plan to implement multi-series projects in the version 0.8.0!
Ryan 15.09.2018 at 04:40 # Reply
Honestly, this is a very solid program--I'm just digging into it but I actually prefer it thus far over Final Draft and others. It's incredible to me all the features that you've packed into it! This could very well become my go-to program for script writing--keep up the good work!
dimkanovikov 15.09.2018 at 17:08 # Reply
Hello Ryan. Thanks a lot for your feedback! We plan to release next update on the next two or three days!
Roberto 08.05.2019 at 18:57 # Reply
Incredible guys ! The best free option to write scritps by far.
Here a suggestion: it would be handy to have both sides scene number, just as shown here: =MrI1gp45

please forgive me if it is already developed and I haven't discovered it yet.
dimkanovikov 09.05.2019 at 16:35 # Reply
Hello, Roberto. Thanks a lot for your suggestion! We plan to add this in one of the next updates!
Dustin 23.01.2020 at 02:39 # Reply
Is it currently possible to add dual dialogue?
dimkanovikov 25.01.2020 at 15:42 # Reply
Hello Dustin, no, currently we have not this ability but plan to add it in one of the next updates.
vlad 12.03.2020 at 05:23 # Reply
I am unable to download the Spell Check dictionary. It says to check my internet connection, which I know is fine.

Thanks for the hard work, I just started using the program but like it so far.
dimkanovikov 07.04.2020 at 17:50 # Reply
Hello, Vlad. What operating system do you use?
Belén 17.03.2020 at 03:17 # Reply
TV series!
Hi! Awesome program! I am writing a TV show and it would really help if I could save every episode inside the same project, or at least, if I could have a way to connect them.

Also, when will dial dialogue be available?

Thank you very much! Lots of love from Spain :)
dimkanovikov 07.04.2020 at 17:52 # Reply
Hello, my friend! We include both features in version 2. The public beta-testing of it will start at the end of May.
Sama 17.03.2020 at 17:47 # Reply
I really love this software. Really great job!
I father missing the dual dialogue. Do you already know, in which update it will come? Please!
dimkanovikov 07.04.2020 at 17:53 # Reply
Hello, Sama, it will be added in version 2. Plan to publish it at the end of May.
Lam 27.04.2020 at 17:37 # Reply
Dual dialogue
Hi, is it possible to format dual dialogues now?
dimkanovikov 28.04.2020 at 09:27 # Reply
Hello Lam, currently, no. Plan to add it to version 2.
Jorge carlos loayza arcos 11.07.2020 at 23:58 # Reply
Hace poco decubri este programa, es fabuloso. Muy practico y sencillo de usar , ya escribi 3 guiones de cortometrajes, y un mediometraje. Estoy muy cotento, me ha sido de ayuda no solo para escribir, si no para derrollar mis personajes e historias .

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