Yo Yo!:)
We have a little update named KIT Scenarist 0.7.0 beta 3.
The new version includes:
• implemented import from Trelby;
• Increase the size of the notes added to the corkboard;
• Fixed a bug where an excessive increase in the scale text editors freeze the program;
• Updated Final Draft templates (adjusted size of the page margins and the top margin for the scene heading blocks);
• Now the state of research tree is saved between sessions;
• When creating a new mindmap, the initial element no longer runs off the screen;
• Improved support for Windows XP (due to some limitations, the most significant - is that the version for XP will not support the addition of Internet links in research module);
• Fixed a bug with the disappearance of the names of characters and locations in Windows;
• Other minor improvements.
And I have a great news: There are two new contributors to our project! About who they are and how they help to develop our KIT, you will learn in the following series !;)
Published: 12 November 2016 | Discussion (0) | Receive news on e-mail
You gave me a feedback, and I give you a new update, which fixes a number of bugs found in previous version:
• implemented undo the last action for the corkboard;
• added context menu for the connections between cards and for notes;
• fixed a bug with the appearance of the card description in the script text;
• windows of adding card now look good even on small screens;
• by pressing F5, or clicking on the appropriate icon on the toolbar you can go to full-screen mode for working with corkboard;
• now the parameters of arranging cards are saved between sessions.
Who has already had time to try - share your feelings on the new tool !? :)
Published: 3 November 2016 | Discussion (0) | Receive news on e-mail
I hope you have been waiting for this. And finally it happened! Corkboard is ready in KIT Scenarist version 0.7.0 beta 1!!!
Of course the bugs may happen, but it's a big work around whis module. As always it was be not so easy but very interesting!
So, what we have and how we can interact with it!?
In the sidebar I added a new tab named "Cards". It contains all that we need. Into this tab you can add cards, notes, horizontal and vertical lines on cork board (look at the buttons on toolbar). To edit the card, note or flow text just make double click on target. The right click is allow you to operate card's colors, add new cards and delete selected (also you can delete items from corkboard with delete keyboard button).
Cards can be freely moved around the work area. You can change their size. You can zoom in and out, as usual in any convenient way. Also, the corkboard can be moved by holding down the space bar on the keyboard and moving mouse with pressed left button. If the workspace you are missing, you can move the card beyond it and it will automatically expand.
If you need to arrange cards, you can do this using the appropriate button on the toolbar. There is one important point - you can not arrange a scheme with folders or groups of schemes.
To change the order of the cards, you need to put the card on the connection between the other two cards.
Cards can be put into folders and scenes groups, just drag them inside and then drop it.
And of course the cards are synchronized with the text of the script. Any changes that you make in the cards appear in the script, and vice versa, all changes that you make in the script are displayed in the cards.
Known issues
The main problem at the moment is to undo the last action in the cards.:) I've figured out how it will function, but until it is ready, and so the first version comes without this functionality.
What's next?
In next releases I'll add undo and the ability to print cards.
This is probably all. If you have questions/suggestions/comments - welcome to the discussion.
Let's go!
Published: 1 November 2016 | Discussion (0) | Receive news on e-mail
Hello everybody!
I'm glad to say that the stable version of KIT Scenarist 0.6.2 was released.
In addition to the fixes included in first beta version, a stable version improves even number of points, namely:
• fixed a problem with saving the script when it was located on a flash drive, and it has been accidentally removed, or when project file is renamed. Now, application ensures that all changes properly saved and the project file itself has been in place;
Published: 28 October 2016 | Discussion (0) | Receive news on e-mail
Salute, Comrades!
We have collected some errors, which can not wait until the release of version with index cards, so I decided to release a minor update to correct them:
- fixed a problem with the fall of the program and save the settings in Mac OS X when closing or opening another project;
- fixed a bug with scaling and spell checking in comments editor;
- fixed a problem with disappearing line breaks in the comments when copying / pasting text to the comment in the script;
- optional backup is now enabled by default. Backup scripts will be stored in a subfolder KITScenarist/backups inside the documens folder. You can change backups destination folder, or disable the backup (which I highly recommend not to do) in the application settings;
- fixed a problem with loosing of word TITLE in preview and in exported files;
- fixed a problem with the script export in the standard Russian template, as shaped by the title page font Courier Prime instead of Courier New;
- fixed an issue where the exported file in MS Word after a change has increased at a rate of as much as 6 megabytes;
- fixed a bug with the embedding Courier Prime font in DOCX-files;
- fixed some problems in mindmap editor: it does not take off more to create complex mindmaps and when you try to move the selected branch, and improved logic of creating edges between nodes.
Also update include a couple of innovations:
- implemented the ability to import and export scripts in Final Draft format (* .FDX);
- added to the program templates compatible with Final Draft A4 and with Final Draft Letter templates.
P.S. Implementation of module with index cards in full swing. We passed somewhere half way. There is still a hard step in forward, and then polishing and public release!
Published: 12 October 2016 | Discussion (0) | Receive news on e-mail
Guys, I am pleased to welcome all!
It's time to publish stable release of KIT Scenarist 0.6.1.
The main new feature of this release is MindMaps editor. MindMaps is an additional tool for developing story which can help you to structure your thoughts about the plot, characters, and indeed of all that is related to your stories. MindMaps editor available this - Research - Add item - toggle radio button with combobox and choose "Mind Map".
I express my gratitude to all users! Thank you, friends, together we have a great work!
The next version will be numbered 0.7.0. In it, I will present you a new module to work with the cards. When it comes out I can not say, as so many ideas and how long it will take for everything do not know ... I only know that it will be exact! I waited a long time, thinking about how to approach it, how to organize everything, even a little afraid. But the other day, when he was able to start her tightly, was involved so that now only about the cards and think! :)
Stay with us! There is still a lot of interesting and very useful things in front!
Thanks friends!
Published: 23 August 2016 | Discussion (0) | Receive news on e-mail